Friday, September 12, 2008


We've had some major developments on the potty scene. I finally figured out the missing piece of the puzzle. I've been awarding "potty prizes" (gummy bears) for going potty, but that hadn't really been working. The breakthrough today has been awarding potty prizes for STAYING DRY. Now, today for the first time, Little Girl is really getting it. It's not just about putting stuff in the potty, it's about NOT putting it in her pants. Today she has not had accidents, and for the first time, she's actually going right away when sitting on the potty.

I've been checking her about every hour, and giving out one gummy bear if she's dry (which she has been each time so far). Then the "pay scale" is 5 gummy bears for #1 and 10 gummy bears for #2. I'm so excited that she's finally turning a corner.

I promised to not blog all the "ins and outs" of our potty adventure, but this was too big to hold back. I don't think this is the end of accidents, but it is definitely the progress I've been desperately waiting to see.

And with that, it's time to check her again.

1 comment:

Coach Mom said...

That's awesome Karen! I'm glad that you are figuring out how to gt through to her. One of the most important attributes of mothering is creativity. Don't be afraid to change up your method if by the end of the week that stops working! Kids like to keep us on our toes!