Saturday, September 20, 2008

Praise God!

The baby that I mentioned some time back, the one born at 24 weeks back in July has made some major progress. She's off many of the heavy drugs with dangerous side effects, and she's now breathing enough on her own to only need a little tube in her nose instead of the CPAP machine she had been on. They still expect her to be in the NICU for a long while yet, but the news is good. Thank you for praying.

Yesterday Hubby and I watched more VH1 80's programming, "The Top 100 Songs of the 80's." We watched enough of it to see "Sweet Dreams," by the Eurythmics as #50 on the countdown. I think that song was totally underrated. It's in my top 10 of 80's songs, along with "Jump," "Every Move You Make," and "With or Without You." Anyway, "Sweet Dreams" has been in my head since yesterday evening.

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