Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Digging In

I think I have bought my last box of diapers. But it's not quite what you think. Little Girl is not really cooperating any more than she has been. It's just that we can't let her go on the way she has. We have "pull-ups," but for daytime, it's panties (the thick kind that absorb most of what goes in them). And for today, she's pooped in the potty, I think by accident, and peed once too, also by chance. But she also peed in her pants four times.

We did our regular Wednesday trip to Chick-fil-a, and it was abbreviated by Little Girl's fourth pee accident of the day. Maybe she'll connect the fact that she doesn't get to do fun stuff, like stay and play at Chick-fil-a, to the fact that she peed in her pants again. Who knows... I'm really trying to just press on and not pull my hair out.

Tonight (since I started typing this post), we discovered ANOTHER accident, this time the less pleasant kind, and I took her outside and hosed her off. I don't want this to be fun. After that, I put a diaper on her and put her to bed. It was the last diaper in the box. (I still have a car stash, and I'm debating on whether I should bring it in and put pull-ups in the car. *Shrug*)

At any rate, it's time to really start digging in.

And thanks to some radio show, I have Billy Idol's "White Wedding" in my head. They were playing it as bumper music while they were talking about Bristol Palin's pregnancy. You know, it is diappointing any time a young person steps outside of God's perfect plan for sex and marriage, but it doesn't nullify Sarah Palin as a good VP pick. I know plenty of people my age who made mistakes in their youth, and God has worked it out for the best. I pray the same for the Palin family, and the young father's family as well. God is not surprised by any of it.

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