Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The REAL Song in My Head...

As I got up from the computer, having typed that last post, and poked around on facebook for a little while, I was whistling "Dancing Queen" to myself. The brain is a curious thing, is it not? Yesterday on a local radio show in the afternoon, the host was complaining about the lame music groups currently up for nomination into the Rock 'N' Roll Hall of Fame, one of those being a roller-disco group I hadn't really heard of. That got me thinking about other lame disco groups/songs, which led me to "Dancing Queen." (Sorry to you Abba lovers out there, but it's pretty lame. Catchy, but lame.)

I think I would have ordinarily just shared that with Hubby, but since he's away, I'm sharing it with everybody. Hope you don't mind. Enjoy thinking about "Dancing Queen." I dare you not to sing it right now in your head, just to yourself. You've got it in your head now too, don't you. Yeah, thought so.

(Honestly, when I post the song in my head, I do truthfully report what's in my head either right then, or else tell you when it was in my head. It's just that I'd been thinking this one for a while, and it took a break for a few hours with choir practice, and then planted itself right back in the front of my head. I want you to know that I do my utmost best to faithfully reveal the inner workings of my crazy mind by sharing the songs in my head, and it is not something contrived just for continuity on a blog. This is my nutty psyche at work, like it or not!)

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