Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Our Weekend + Monday

This weekend I wasn't planning to take a leave from all things technology, but that's what ended up happening.

Friday night, my dear hubby and I went on a much needed date. The girls went to spend the night with my parents (thanks, Mom & Dad!!). We were planning to go see "Dark Knight" at the 6:45 show at Alamo Drafthouse. When we went to purchase our tickets, we found out that the 6:45 show had been bought out for a rehearsal dinner. Our only alternative was the 10:15 showing, or pick another movie. I hadn't seen the new Batman flick yet, and he had, and we weren't interested in any of the other offerings, so we bought the tickets for the late show, and then set about to waste nearly three and a half hours.

It was actually very fun to spend our time casually looking around at Best Buy and the mall, wandering about. I took him into a World Market for the first time in his life. What's funny is that I couldn't even really describe what that store is like without taking him in. Besides that, and eating dinner at Pei Wei (the cheaper, less fancy version of PF Chang's- YUMMY!), we went to a fabric store to look around at possibilities for drapes. I have never made drapes before, but I think I'd like to try it. Hubby actually found the perfect fabric. It was way up at the top of the rack, and I'd have missed it if he hadn't been there with me. It has embroidery in it that perfectly matches the color of our new sectional. It will be very cool.

So after our leisurely shopping, we went to the movie. I don't want to say too much about the movie. Those who have seen it know what it was like, and those who haven't don't need any more spoilers than are already out there. I'll just say that the nearly 3 hour show didn't feel nearly that long. That movie just doesn't stop. You don't get the opportunity to wonder what time it is. And there is no better movie theater experience than Alamo Drafhouse. If you haven't been to see a movie there, just go. It's worth it. The food isn't anything special, but they don't let kids in, they don't let people talk during the movie, and if anyone does, they encourage you to tell on them and the management will throw them out. We don't do regular theaters anymore. Not ever. Anyway, it was after 1:00 AM when we got home. At least we didn't have to get up with the kids Saturday morning.

But it didn't matter that I didn't have to get up. At 7:00, I was wide awake, laying in bed thinking about drapes. We pretty much decided on the fabric the night before. The question was whether to make 4 panels or 2. How would I make such a choice? Well, I took a picture of the windows the way they are (pictured right), and then I photoshopped what it would look like with drapes (and the walls painted), so I could show it to Hubby and help him understand what I'm visualizing (pictured left). It only took me about a half hour to do that. I like the HGTV shows where they show the people what it will look like before they do the work. I was able to do that for Hubby, since he is "visualizationally challenged". (I actually put up several versions of this on my facebook page, and this was by far the favorite of the folks who commented.)

We did have actual work to do Saturday morning after my "fun with photoshop" morning. Hubby did the yard, and I cleaned out the garage. It was good to get things done.

After we got ourselves cleaned up, we went to the fabric store on our way to get the kids. We had noticed the night before that there was a sale on the drapery fabrics, 40% off. Apparently everyone else in the entire sewing world was aware of the sale as well, and the line at the cutting table was absolutely ridiculous. It took us quite a long time to get help, but we finally got what we needed and went on to get the kids.

As we left the fabric store, we noticed my van wasn't running smoothly. It was lurching every time we were stopped. The check engine light was on. Super. Just what we need. A huge bill to pay. My car is only 1800 miles past being under warranty. Isn't that always how it works?

When we got home, around 2:00 PM, the garage door wouldn't go up. The last time that had happened, we were without electricity for 8 hours. Our neighbor came over to our driveway and let us know that they didn't have power either. Great. So we went in and and called the power company on the cell phone, they predicted powere would be restored by 4:00. That was also when Hubby's football game started (he's a big time college football spectator), so that was good news. We sat around reading books in the interim. Big Girl was distraught that her TV shows weren't available. Little Girl just played (like she's playing upstairs right now). As promised, the power came back on, before 4:00.

About 15 minutes into the football game that Hubby was then watching, the cable went out. Not just the cable, but every service we get from our cable company, internet and phone as well as TV. (Thanks, Time Warner.) So no football. At least we had air conditioning. So we watched episodes of Firefly, a TV series that only lasted for one season. We bought it on DVD recently, and it's really good. The cable was out for the rest of the day. (I hope we are compensated for Time Warner Cable's not holding their end of the contract we signed with them. We're stuck with them for 2 years, but the contract only holds if they actually provide the services we're paying for!)

Sunday was a pretty regular Sunday except that between church and going to my parents' house for lunch, we dropped off my car at the shop.

Being down a car usually wouldn't matter, since I walk Big Girl to and from school, but I had plans for yesterday that meant I needed a car. Dad let us borrow his. That meant Mom took Dad to work Monday morning, and Hubby would pick Dad up from work, and then come home, and Dad would then take his car home. Hubby walked Big Girl to school, and Mom picked her up and took Big Girl back to her classroom until it was time for her to leave for the day.

Hubby's sister had a medical procedure scheduled for early in the morning, and I went to their house to watch their kids while her husband took her to and from wherever they went. They had to leave at 6:25 to get there by 6:45, so I tried to get there around 6:00. They live about an hour and a half away from us, so I left at 4:30 Monday morning. I woke up before my alarm at 3:59 AM. Without waking anyone else in the house, I got my stuff together, and prepared the car. I plucked Little Girl out of bed and took her straight to the car, hoping not to rouse her too much, and thinking she would fall back to sleep easily. Such was not the case. She was awake for most of the trip. She fell asleep about 20 minutes before we got there.

Once there, and after the patient and her husband left, Little Girl and I went back to sleep, snuggled together, for a little over an hour. That was kind of nice. It's been since her infanthood that the two of us have slept like that.

After a while, my nieces woke up, my sister-in-law and her husband came back. Then we stayed until after lunch, since the cousins were have so much fun playing together. I expected Little Girl to fall asleep on the way home, seeing as it was nap time, and her morning sleep had been so disrupted, but again, she stayed awake. This time, she didn't fall asleep at all. By the time we got home, I was SO ready for a nap.

I resisted and managed to wait until 9:30 last night to sleep. And let me tell you, I had no insomnia this time.

This morning, it's time to get back in the swing with packing lunch & sending Big Girl off to school. I just got back from a long walk with my wonderful neighbor. She let me push Little Girl in her extra jogging stroller. Little Girl fell asleep on our walk. It is catching up with her!

"Philosophy," has been in my head on and off all weekend. Hubby put in a Ben Folds Five DVD for a little while Saturday, in between Firefly episodes, and that was one of the songs we watched. I'm getting tired of it. It's been rolling around in my head for so long...

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