Saturday, February 28, 2009

Another Nasty Poop Story

You've been warned. Read on at your own peril.

My loyal readers may still be trying to block out the memory of the first nasty poop story. I promise this one is not quite so nasty as that one, but it happened in public, which made it more complicated in a lot of ways.

Wednesday evening I took the girls to Chick-fil-a, as usual. I had been watching Little Girl like a hawk all day, looking for signs of her needing to make a BM, since she hadn't had one the day before. She was in panties, which is a big deal to her, since they feel so much better than the bargain pull-ups I buy now. After she finished eating, I noticed she needed to go potty, so I took her to the restroom, and she went #1. That was good. Lots of praise. She's still not too comfortable doing that in a public restroom (I don't really like it either, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right?). She was finished eating, had been potty, and was released to go play in the play area.

Yeah, by now you're already there. You know what she did. Yeah, she did it in her panties. At Chick-fil-a.

I went into the play area to help her get her shoes on, since it was time to leave. Little Girl innocently said to me, "Stinky. Do you smell that?" And I knew. I just knew. She did it, and didn't let me discover it until it was time to leave. We needed to be at church in less than 10 minutes.

I found a Chick-fil-a employee and asked for some disposable gloves, which he graciously gave to me without really knowing why I wanted them. I took Little Girl into the restroom, put the gloves on my hands, and reached into the back of her pants and pulled out her turd and dropped it into the potty (thankfully it held together pretty well). (I warned you this story was nasty!!) I immediately threw away those gloves, and put the third one on my hand (why did I grab three, I don't know, but it worked out pretty well), and wiped her bottom with toilet paper as best I could. She went to AWANA that night with skid-marked panties. And I didn't really care.

I still maintain that the original poop story is way nastier than this one. Now I want this one to be the LAST poop story. Think that'll happen? Here's hoping!

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