Thursday, February 5, 2009

Potential Energy - Physics Lesson Turns Psychoanalysis

This is how I feel.

In a set mouse trap, there is an incredible amount of potential energy stored in the spring. When it's sprung, the potential energy in the spring converted to kinetic energy causing the arm to exert force upon impact with the platform, and anything that may get between the arm and the platform, thus doing significant damage to the unfortunate finger, toe, stick, or (ick!) mouse that may be in the way.

There's something I'm so frustrated about that I feel like I'm going to snap. I'm going to unleash a deadly blast of venom if someone steps on me wrong.

I can't talk about anything in specific terms, it wouldn't be appropriate. Rest assured that the situation is not a family matter (AT ALL), and has nothing to do with my kids or husband, or any other family, for that matter. I am on guard that they will not be the undue recipients of a venomous blow.

The worst part of it is that I don't think there's a good solution to this problem that has me all tied up in knots. Complete disengagement is the only "non-violent" solution, and that's not a good one either... I'd rather go off on the offender, but that wouldn't accomplish anything, and it would make me look bad in the process... I have been rhetorically put on the back burner by someone, and I'm boiling over.

So I sit. And I seethe. And I try to not blow it out of proportion when Little Girl poops her pants... again.

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