Thursday, February 19, 2009


I have known for a while that I need some dental work done. I have been putting off for the purpose of saving about $400-$500. Under our current DMO, this is all going to cost around $900. If we were under the PPO, it would be more like $400-$500. That's a big enough savings for me to want to wait a while and see how I do for 7 months.

Unfortunately I can wait no longer.

If you are a faithful reader, you know of my abhorrence of all things dentistry. I don't even like teeth. (It's growing, I know.) It seems like my past dentistry-related experiences (kid's dentist, and my own) and aversion to pain have culminated in this nearly crippling fear.

Last week, even before TMEA, I was keenly aware of my broken tooth in a way that I hadn't been before. Then as the week progressed, the sensation grew more unpleasant, and then last night I couldn't lay my head on that side to go to sleep. It's still a dull ache, but enough for me to know that I must act now. It will only get worse.

This week already had enough in it without adding this dumb dentist appointment.

Tuesday I kept my burned friend's little boy. Yesterday I made a meal for a friend at church who has had some heart trouble (it's kind of scary because she's so young), and tomorrow I have to take Big Girl to OT, and then go immediately to a ladies' retreat for church in which I have been helping with registration.

In the mean time, I think it's my brain's self-preservation kicking in, I have been inspired to take on another project for my home. I have had an idea of what I want to do with the windows in our informal dining area (our only dining area since the formal dining room is our office). I went out with my day off (MUCH NEEDED TIME ALONE), and shopped for fabric. Then I scanned the chosen fabric swatch (on which Hubby and I agreed), and made this:

I just love what I can do with photoshop...

I've had the songs from Choral Arts in my head. We've got a concert next week, and it's a lovely program including Brahms Liebeslieder, Pinkham's Wedding Cantata, Britten's Wedding Anthem, Three Scottish Folksongs arranged by Wilberg, and my favorite, Three Madrigals by Emma Lou Diemer. The madrigals are settings of 3 Shakespeare poems. The third one is "Sigh no more, laides, sigh no more!" which is set to music in the Kennth Branaugh movie, "Much Ado About Nothing." It took a little while for my brain to replace the movie version of that song with the one we're singing. Ours is very quirky and fun. It's a fixture in my head, probably more permanent than my teeth.

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