Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Musical Analogy For My Current Mental State

In music there is always tension and release. That's what makes cadences pleasing to the ear- the aural release of tension. A lack of either, the tension or the release of that tension, makes a song less than pleasing. Children's music, for example, generally lacks the tension. As an adult, it's not very satisfying to listen to kids' music for any extended length of time. On the other hand, mounting tension with no resolution can be maddening. If you have dissonance building and building, and then the music just stops, there is an incredibly unsatisfying feeling in the room. Sometimes conductors like to do this to an ensemble in rehearsal, just to mess with the musicians.

I've got all this dissonance building and building... diminished chords with extra jarring notes thrown in... and I desperately need a resolution. Something's got to give.

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