Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Valentine's Party... Already??

It seems like it's been no time at all since the last time I had to put on my "homeroom mom" hat and get a party together. The "Winter Party" was a total success, less than 2 months ago. As if that weren't recent enough, LAST WEEK the class had a huge big deal about the 100th day of school, and I had to get the class parents to bring in a bunch of stuff for the kids to count (cereal, buttons, stickers, pretzels, etc...).

Just when I'm needed as homeroom mom, I have a wonderful diversion set up for me. The TMEA convention is this week, and I get to go! I used to go every year from the time I was a senior in high school up until 2002. Then in October of 2002, I became a mother. So from 2003-2008 I was not able to go. This is the first time I've got everything set up so that I can go, and I am so excited.

It would just happen that both of these things would be at the same time.

But there' s no way I'm skipping 2 days at TMEA this year just because of a 1 hour Kindergarten party.

Because of my divided attentions, I failed to send out the "calling all volunteers" e-mail to the class parents until today. Oops. I hope they come through anyway!

And now to make that dumb valentines box. You know the one- with a slit and my kid's name on it... Oh, and to have Big Girl sign 20 valentines for her classmates. That will be "fun". My guess is that she'll do 3 before she says she can't do anymore.

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