Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Choir Friend

I have a new "friend" who joins me for choir every week. I am in a community/student choir at the gigantic local state university. We meet from 7-10 PM on Tuesday evenings. It's my music-nerd outlet. We're doing Brahms' Liebeslieder for this concert, among other things. It's a light program compared to some we've done in the past (Rachmoninoff's Vespers just about killed me- we sang it in RUSSIAN!). The picture to the right is Brahms, in case you're wondering.

A couple weekends ago, I was at a kid birthday party for a kid in Big Girl's Kindergarten class. You know how those go- kids go off and do fun stuff while the adults who may or may not know each other sit around and make small talk. During this chit-chat session, one of the other moms (who I had met before- her son attends AWANA at our church) mentioned how her dad has been missing singing in a choir since he has been here. (I didn't know the particulars on where he was from or why he was here until later, so I'll save those details.) He had tried singing in a local church choir, but it wasn't challenging enough for him. I casually mentioned the choir I sing in, and she seemed excited to tell her father about it, but he'd have no way to get there without a car. (Again, I knew no details.) I offered that if he auditioned and made it, I'd give him a ride with me. He's living in an apartment complex less than 5 minutes from where I live, so it really wouldn't be any trouble.

So he auditioned, and got in.

Mr. Hoene and his wife are recently retired teachers visiting from Germany. They have never had a chance to get to know their 5 American grandchildren, of whom the one in Big Girl's class is #3, so they're visiting for 3 months. The concert we're preparing for is well within that time frame, and so this man will be singing in our choir for this concert.

I mentioned the Brahms. At last night's rehearsal Mr. Hoene was helping us with our German diction.

It's funny riding in the car with him. His English is very good for someone who has never lived in an English-speaking country, but every now and then he slips into German for a word or two.

Hubby was understandably nervous about this arrangement at first. He has met Mr. Hoene, and all is well.

Mr. Hoene is very appreciative to have this opportunity. He is also a Christian, and we have had some deep, though less than thorough, theological discussions on the way to and from choir despite the language barrier.

From the moment his daughter mentioned it to me, I have been at perfect peace that I was to facilitate this situation.

Little Girl has been playing with her music box again, so I have Swan Lake in my head again.

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