Saturday, July 26, 2008

Beauty & The Beast - No fairy tale moral story this time!

The weekend without my hubby is half gone. This is a good thing. And it's been a really good weekend.

Last night was our big outing to see Beauty & The Beast in the park. The girls did very well, considering that the show didn't start until after their bedtime! Little girl was paying attention very well, making comments and amusing the people sitting around us. I thought she was going to fall asleep on my lap, but every time she let her head rest, she'd perk up to see the action on stage. She didn't even fall asleep on the way home.

Big girl had a blast. She was very much into naming off who was the hero and who was the villain (yes, she knows words like that). In that vein, I was trying to explain to her that Gaston was the villain for trying to make Belle marry him even though she didn't want to. I said to her that when she grows up, she doesn't have to marry anyone if she doesn't want to. She followed that up with, "And when I'm an astronaut, I'll have to go out of the earth." Apparently whatever I said when over her head. That's OK. She's five.

After the big night out, not a creature was stirring in the house before 9 AM this morning! We got back home after 11:30 PM last night, so we were all pretty tired. And I stayed up later than I should have unwinding with the TV on in my bedroom. My mother-in-law and her mother stayed until just before dinner, so they helped me pass the day with company, and playing with the girls. All in all, it was a slow, satisfying day today.

I think my favorite song from Beauty & The Beast is the song about Gaston. And of course that's the one in my head the day after seeing the show. Favorite line, sung by Gaston: "I'm especially good at EXPECTORATING!" For those who need a fix after one of my suggestions, here you go!

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