Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Potty-Training, Round 2?

My little girl, who is nearly 4 months past her 3rd birthday is one of those kids who refuses to do most things asked of her. Right after her birthday, I had it in mind that we would try potty-training. Well, that went over like a lead balloon. If she's not up for it, she won't do it. With something like going potty, she really does have to be of a mind to do it. I can't MAKE her "make". So I gave up.

This week my mom and I have been plotting round 2. Before any new attempts can succeed, we need Little Girl to be motivated to try. On Thursday, we will go to IKEA, where they have a lovely play area for children of a certain height who are potty-trained. We will show it to her, send her big sister off to play, and then make her ride in the cart while we shop. (I really only have a couple things to pick up there, but we can make the shopping last a long time if necessary.) This is the first time that Little Girl will be denied in a somewhat cruel way just because she is not potty-trained. Hopefully it will help jump-start her motivation. And if not, at least we tried something (and this time it doesn't involve washing panties that are being used like diapers over a 10 day period).

I have just a little snippet of a Dave Matthews Band song going through my head. It's the most annoying of all types of things to go through my head because I can't get my head to play forward to the part where I can recognize it, or get to a finishing point. I'm going a little nutty. I'm stuck in an up-tempo instrumental break with a sax solo. Oh well. Anyone know what song that is?

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