Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What's In My Sick Head

Today's song is a weird one. I woke up this morning with the theme from Blazing Saddles in my head. I can explain this. Yesterday on Rush Limbaugh's radio show, he played a Paul Shanklin parody about Barack Obama to that tune. And now that's what's in my head. (I mean the real Blazing Saddles theme, not the parody. I really don't remember much of the parody other than the tune.)

Today I have no voice. My big girl has already had me repeat things to her because she couldn't hear me speaking to her, and she was standing about six feet away from me. I did what I said I would last night and took some sleepy medicine after I put the kids to bed. I think I fell asleep before my big girl. She usually reads for a little while (with permission) after we put her to bed. I was out like a light at 8:30, and I slept until 8:00 this morning when the girls came in asking for breakfast. And I could go back to sleep right now if there was someone else to be mommy for a while.

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