Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Ugh... My head!

I have a lovely head cold today. I just want my brain to go ahead and explode so that the pressure will stop. I have no energy, no appetite, and not quite enough umph to handle the girls. Oh well, what can I do? At least it will be bedtime soon, and then they will be confined to their rooms. (Thank you, God, for moving us into a house where they each have a room!) And then I can take some medicine to knock me out for the night.

In the middle of feeling like this, I had a luncheon this morning/afternoon where I was the featured singer. I was surprised at how well my voice held out. I was able to sing through the crud. By Thursday I predict that my voice will be completely gone, but I'll be feeling better.

To go along with my spacey medicine head, I've got Pink Floyd's "Us and Them" going in my head. It's kind of ethereal and spacey sounding. I feel like I'm floating through the music.

Now to put the kids to bed. And then take a Tylenol PM or Nyqil or something, and syonara.

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