Monday, July 14, 2008


My heart is still heavy for my high school friend, Tim. It has been several years since we even saw each other, and that was at a funeral for our band director who died suddenly of a heart attack back in 2002. (I was pregnant with my big girl, that's how I remember when it was.) Before then it was probably graduation, or the graduation party afterward back in '96. Anyway, I share that to say that we haven't been particularly close friends since high school, but that doesn't really change the fact that I care about him as a person. I want to reach out, but I'm afraid that it would not be well received. We have been facebook friends for the last several months, so there has been some sort of connection.

(If you're not on facebook, just go sign up. It's free and you'll be amazed at how many people you connect with and stay connected to without all that much effort.)

Life this week is going back to "normal" for our family. Daddy is home, and Nanna & Poppa are also back from their travels. We haven't seen them yet since they got in late last night, and then they're both working today. We'll see them later this evening.

I don't usually follow the financial markets and such, but this weekend, and going into this week, things aren't looking so good. The mortgage mess is spiraling out of control, and the government is determined to put a band aid on it and say it's OK when really all their doing is driving down the value of our money. This article was written over the weekend, and more has taken place since then, with the Fed pledging to bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. There is a reason why I don't like to pay attention. It's bad for my blood pressure.

I keep trying to remember some of the funny things that the kids said last week that I shared with my husband the night he came home, but for the life of me the only thing I can remember is that my little girl said she is going to be a "rock girl" when she grows up. She wasn't able to tell me what that means exactly. I hope it has something to do with geology, but I'm not holding my breath. My big girl has been holding steady for the last couple years to the idea of being an astronaut when she grows up. She says she will take me with her when she goes to the moon. I hope NASA is OK with that. It would be a first in the space program to have the astronaut's mommy on board!

So there's a little picture of life today. "I'm So Small" by Fleming and John, as sung to me by my big girl last Friday night is in my head.

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