Saturday, July 12, 2008

Hubby Is HOME!!!

My dear husband is home! My big girl and I welcomed him home last night around 9:45. Yes, I let a five-year-old stay up until nearly 10 PM to see her daddy. She was so excited that he was coming home! And she had a surprise for him, which she was excited to share. She got her hair cut on Monday, and we've been saving that as a surprise for him(which is why I didn't post about it, in case he were to read my blog while he was away). It's also a surprise to my parents, but I'm pretty sure they won't read this until after we see them on Monday, so I'm not worried about spoiling anything.

We had a lovely time just talking for about two hours after he came home, and after we got the big girl settled down for bed. I just love times like that. It's what I miss most when he's gone.

Thank you, God, for taking care of him (and us) while he was away. Thank you for bringing him home to us safe and sound!

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