Thursday, July 24, 2008

Fun Stuff For the Kids

This week I'm trying to do fun stuff with the kids while Daddy is away. On Tuesday, we did this art project pictured to the right. More accurately, the girls painted the flowers and butterflies, and I painted the giant letter K's. (Both of their names start with K.)

Big girl painted the flower with a stem, and the butterfly with open wings. The little one painted the other flower (all the way to the right) and the other butterfly (all the way left). Little girl did have the butterfly multi-colored like her flower, but then she painted over all that with the green. I went behind her and added some other colors to her butterfly so it wouldn't be just a solid green thing. I feel bad that I did that. Oh well. As you can see in the picture, we painted inside these boxes. Little girl's box was more painted than either of her magnets. (The box pictured was my box.) I took all the pieces outside and gave them a spray of clear lacquer.

With the K's, Big girl requested pink with green polka dots, and Little girl just requested pink. When asked if she wanted polka dots, she nodded, but didn't tell me what color, so she got multi-colored dots.

Then Wednesday after we came home from our ritual Wednesday night dinner location, I made the girls banana-strawberry milkshakes. That was really yummy. And this morning I made pancakes for breakfast. That's a huge departure for me. It's usually cereal around here. I think the girls enjoyed it. (That my have been the first time I've ever made pancakes in my life come to think of it...)

Tomorrow night my mother-in-law is joining us and we're going to see a local production of Beauty and the Beast. And next week we have a trip to see their cousins, and my sister-in-law and her family.

I hope the kids will remember doing stuff like this. At 5 and 3 it's hard to know what they'll remember. My big girl seems to remember everything. I wonder what she'll forget...


Traci said...

What I want to know is how you made such perfect polka dots?!

I'm glad you are making the time for fun projects and pancake moments with them this week! :)

Fincher said...

They're not so perfect upon closer inspection!