Sunday, July 6, 2008


He's gone. My husband just left for his work trip less than 10 minutes ago. I'm sad. I'm thoroughly sad. Before he left, we prayed together and cried together.

One of the songs we did in church this morning was "In You." I don't know who it's by originally (my internet search was unsuccessful). That's the one that's in my head. The words are spot on for what I need right now.

Taking turns with that song, matching my mood, is "Summer's Over," by Jonathan Coulton. It's a sad good-bye song.

Tonight I'm singing "Dips" with the sextet out at the park. That will be fun. I'm also singing two solos with tracks. I have another singing engagement this week where I'll do those two songs, so tonight is a sort of trial run for that. I really need to have those songs in my head this afternoon. More than that, I need to all-out practice!

I'm a little nervous about being out there at the park with no one watching my kids while I sing. I know we'll have friends out there, but it's not their job to watch my kids. That's my job. I just hope I don't lose them. They've been known to wander. Maybe they need jingle bells tied to them or something. Long leashes would work...

My mom just called since I started this post. She and Dad are on the boat, getting ready to sail out from Seattle. I'm glad for them to have a good time. It has lightened my mood a little to talk to her. I'm still sad, but now a little less so.

(If anyone knows more details about "In You," please leave a comment and I'll link the info in a future post. Thanks.)

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