Monday, July 21, 2008

Catching Up

My parents took the kids for a few days while I had a minor "procedure". I'm doing fine, and everything went well. I wasn't even sick after the anesthesia, which was my biggest concern going in. I did miss the kids.

While at Mom & Dad's my big girl told Mom that picking up toys wasn't "exhilerating." She's right on, of course. Her vocabulary never really ceases to amaze. Keep in mind that she's five years old, and hasn't even started Kindergarten yet.

Mom gave it a go potty training the little one while they were with her. That attempt was largely as unsuccessful as my last round with that willful child. She managed to do a deuce in the potty once (probably a coincidence), but made puddles everywhere when not in diapers. So, it's still not her idea, and it won't work until it is. Honestly, diapers are just easier for me. I hope at some point they will be humiliating to her. But until then... ?

Later today my dear husband is leaving for work out of town. This time he'll be gone for nearly two weeks. I'm not sappy-sad like I was the last time we had to say good-bye, but I'm not happy about it in the least. He has a good job, and we're very thankful for it. I just want him here while he does it.

The song in my head right now is a doozy! I was looking at some friends' pictures on facebook, and there was a picture of this friend of mine in front of a yule log with her daughter. So the song is P. D. Q. Bach's "Throw the Yule Log On, Uncle John." The gag in the song is that you end up singing "throw the yule long ON Uncle John." I remember singing that song in high school choir. It's such a music-nerd thing for a song like that to be in my head. (Only the music nerds out there will have even heard of P. D. Q. Bach!)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hi -- I read your blog sometimes because it's linked to Cindy's blog, and I HAD to leave a comment today... because oh my gosh, I LOVE P.D.Q. Bach! And I haven't heard Throw the Yule Log on Uncle John in years and years. Such a fun song. Did you ever sing Good King Kong? I think that was my favorite... I'm having such a high school madrigal flashback right now. (And now I'LL have P.D.Q. Bach songs in my head all day... :)) -Lisa